I Claim to be Locigal But What Kind of Logic am I Using?

How do I know that what I believe is the proper or most correct belief? It is so much easer to just believe what I’m inclined to believe without thought as to why. Sure I may even have some good why’s but may not really investigate them either. These are a few examples (out of many) of the kinds of logic iv noticed myself using.

If I make any mistakes let me know 🙂

Argument from ignorance fallacy

This is perhaps my favorite means of reasoning. This is when I believe something because I feel there is no other way to explain it. No contradictory evidence. A positive belief with no justification. Wishful thinking. Pulling the answer out of my rear end.

  1.   I believe that God does not exist because the burden of proof is on you. (Positive Atheism)
  2. I do believe in God because I cant explain the universe otherwise.
  3. I must have won the lottery because I rubbed my lucky rabbit foot.

Negative proof fallacy

Another one of my favorites. If you can’t prove I’m wrong then I must be right. It has not been observed so it doesn’t exist.

  1. There is not a God because you can’t prove he does exist.
  2. There is a God because you can’t prove he doesn’t exist.
  3. You can’t prove that aliens don’t live on the dark side of the moon therefore they do live there.

Circular Reasoning (begging the question) fallacy

This is a fun one. Just like my cat, sometimes I like to chase my tail. If I want to make a point then I’ll just state the point is true then conclude the same.

  1. Logic is logical because logical thinking uses logic.
  2. The bible is the word of God because the bible says so.
  3. The scientific process proves the validity of science.

Red herring fallacy

When I’m loosing an argument and don’t want to face it I’ll just bring up another topic. In all fairness though I may be less conscience of this one at times. It seems that this is an instinctive response when my beliefs/identity are in jeopardy. This is often hard to catch. I may say something that is similar to the premise but is actually off topic. Or I may go way off and start pointing out circumstantial evidence. Or I might just come out and attack you. Anything to move away from the topic.

I should note that if I do it intentional then its a tactic but I mention it here because of how deep-rooted my beliefs are, even my belief that I am good. They are so strong that even I don’t know I’m doing it most often.

Another thing to notice is if I’m trying to convince you of something I might make a statement then follow with an emotional statement that supports the first but really has nothing to do with it.

  1. We were lied to about the Iraq war but we have to stand by our troops
  2. I got that speeding ticket but that cop should have spent his time chasing real criminals like murders and thieves.
  3. He didn’t pull me over because I was speeding, he is just a pig
  4. You don’t believe in God because your immoral.
  5. Evolution has been proven, your just stupid.

Bandwagon and Appeal to authority fallacy

Sometimes I may want to appeal to the masses for support in my argument or I may want to bring in an expert to approve of my evidence or to dismiss yours.

  1. If so many people believe in God then they can’t all be wrong.
  2. The Theory of evolution is true because Dr. Know Itall said it was.

Of course I don’t really do these things or at least I try not to. Just knowing a little about logic and how to apply it to life, critical thinking, beliefs, work, and many other things can be a great boon in understanding our selves and our environment. I hope this was helpful to anyone who may have identified with some of these kinds of statements. For myself, coming to grips with at least basic logic has only strengthened certain convictions while exposing areas in my thinking that need improving.

🙂 comments welcome 🙂

About TheEpistemologist

If I don't know it I want to. If I haven't been there I want to go there. If I haven't tasted it I want to taste it. Life, An adventurous journey I wil take to the end.
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1 Response to I Claim to be Locigal But What Kind of Logic am I Using?

  1. Eilish Niamh says:

    Very important indeed. I often think that basic logic and critical thinking skills should be requirements to qualify anyone for political offices, but certainly knowing about the fallacious reasoning we all often engage in is helpful for everyone.

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